No. 1: homocardia

By Mark Addison Smith
Chicago, Illinois: Mark Addison Smith, 2008. Edition of 10.

6.25 x 12.75"; 20 pages, each split down the center. Double spiral bound at right and left edges. Digital inkjet prints printed on 100 lb. Bristol board. Black, railroad board end pages. Bound in black cloth over boards with top board split down center.

Text is reconstituted words scanned from contemporary plays. Pages are cut across the vertical center to allow for multiple word hybridizations.

Mark Addison Smith: "Enlarged found letterforms sampled from a collection of contemporary plays (including Paul Rudnick's Jeffrey, Lillian Hellman's The Children's Hour, Jane Wagner's The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe, and Neil LaBute's Bash) recombine to form an array of interactive prefixes and suffixes commenting on the shifting nuances of humanity and sexuality within a label-centric America."