Westron Wynde
By Cathryn Miller Saskatchewan, Canada: Byopia Press, 2016. Edition of 6.

7 x 5"; 4 double-page openings. Double-sided accordion with swing panel structure. In wrapper with slip and slot closure. Initialed and numbered by the artist.

Cathryn Miller, colophon: "Part of an ongoing series of works based on exploration of colour-graphemic synesthesia. This book presents the poem 'Westron Wynde' in a purely visual form. Letters become colours, and are used as graphic elements. The book manifests the essence, if not the sense, of the poem."

Westron wynde when wyll thou blow,
The smalle rayne down can rayne -
Cryst, yf my love wer in my armys
And I yn my bed agayne!
