Household Objects:
A Mix 'n' Match Project for both sides of the brain

By Wendy Fernstrum
2002. Edition of 500.

Fourteen individual "flash cards" printed on both sides. Text composed in Courier. Drawings and poems by Fernstrum.

Standard edition packaged in 8.25 x 6.25" Ziploc baggie. Deluxe edition housed in 7" square Tupperware container with orange household rubber gloves.


You don’t fool me. I see the way you eye wrinkles on my skin,
making plans even as you huff
and puff your dragon’s breath
on splayed out creases
and folds. Hotheaded, jealous,
you redirect your unrelenting venting when my attention wanders, searing allegiance into me with an angry version of a hickey. Have I never come back for more? Drawn by your heat, I marvel at your sensitivity to different materials: bossy with cotton, sly with silk. You always get your way.

Standard edition $25
Deluxe edition $40