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Islam Aly ~ Egypt

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Islam Mahmoud Mohamed Aly: Using Historical Bindings in Producing Contemporary Artists' Books, Master's thesis: "I regard the culturally rich bookbinding as formats that hold great meaning; I made models of books that existed in different cultures through the history of the book. I became interested in how each structure had unique features and how the books themselves transmitted knowledge about their form. This interest in bookbinding formats led me to explore ways to add content to these historical models. The binding plays a powerful role in producing my artist's books, the look and presence of these bindings is an integral part of my work and they are linked to the content and aesthetics. The final pieces encourage the viewer to interact with the work.

"I am hoping more people will learn that these historical bindings still exist and are still used in book art, and that the kind of content I use in my books will foster cross-cultural learning by making viewers learn about Islamic art and culture."

SFCB “From the Bench of Islam Aly” (October 2021): “Islam Aly, a book artist and professor of design at Helwan University in Cairo, shows us some of his past projects as well as some works-in-progress.”


Metamorphoses series (Islamic art & design)
Tapestry Folio Series
Transpose series (Talismanic shirts)


By Islam Aly
Cairo, Egypt: Islam Aly, 2024. Edition of 40 + 5 proofs.

Large Box Size: 11.5 x 11.5 x 4 inches. Book size: 7.5 x 2 x 2, Cloth-covered boxes and plexiglass top. Coptic bound book with Ebony covers, laser-cut Canson paper, linen thread, book board, museum board, laser etched plexiglass Japanese metallic gold paper, laser cut different kinds of wood.

Islam Aly: "’Kinship’ is an artist's book that delves into the relationship between colonial and colonized artifacts, exploring their cultural and historical context. The project underscores the significance of repatriation as a crucial measure for safeguarding cultural heritage.

“The project unfolds in various components, housed within a large box reminiscent of museum displays, featuring three distinct compartments. The initial section consists of a series of nested boxes, reminiscent of ancient Egyptian sarcophagi, culminating in a golden-covered box containing an ebony-covered book featuring quotes from ‘The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant,’ a work dating back to the Middle Kingdom (2040-1750 BCE). This narrative depicts a peasant's plea to the Chief Steward of the crown after being robbed, addressing themes of social and divine justice.

“Accompanying the tale are ten hieroglyphic symbols representing, renewal, protection, prosperity, eternity, infinity, stability, power, protection, eternal life, wisdom, regeneration and transition.

“The second part of the project presents slides featuring quotes expressing individuals' and institutions reactions to the return of artifacts, emphasizing the importance of repatriation. On the back, a colonial map of Africa, one of the most looted continents, is displayed.

“In the third compartment, ten distinct hieroglyphic symbols are intricately cut into wood, creating negative spaces reminiscent of amulets found in ancient Egyptian tombs. Here, the absence of these amulets is portrayed rather than their presence, weaving a symbolic narrative within the artistic composition.

"’Kinship’ aims to engage viewers in a reflective exploration of the intricate interplay between artifacts, their historical context, and the ethical considerations surrounding repatriation. The project seeks to foster a deeper understanding of the cultural and historical implications inherent in such endeavors.

“Special thanks to the Book/Print Artist/Scholar of Color Collective for supporting the project through a Member Project Grant, and to the College Book Art Association (CBAA) for their support with the CBAA Member Support Grant.”

Kinship book
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By Islam Aly
Cairo, Egypt: Islam Aly, 2024. Edition of 30 variants.

3 x 3 x 1” in hand carved camel bone covers. Materials: laser-cut handmade paper, linen thread, book board, hand carved camel bone covers. Coptic binding. Signed and numbered by the artist.

Islam Aly: "In ‘Perspectives’, the inaugural volume of the Junctions Series, readers are invited to explore a visual journey through the cover pattern developing inside the book. Inspired by the intricacies of Coptic book covers, ‘Perspectives’ is weaving together elements of art, culture, and history to create a unique visual experience.

“The Junctions Series draws inspiration from the intricate beauty of Coptic book covers, known for their ornate designs and rich symbolism. Each book in this series serves as a connection between the past and present, blending traditional craftsmanship with contemporary aesthetics.

“The handmade paper features different colored folios, with each section laser-cut to resemble the patterns, appearance, and texture of the old Coptic covers. The covers themselves are hand-carved from camel bone, with intricately carved spaces and cuts that reveal the patterns inside the book.”

Perspectives book
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By Islam Aly
Cairo, ECairo, Egypt: Islam Aly, 2023. Edition of 50 + 5 proofs.

Box: 9 x 9 x 2.5 inches. Book size: triangle with each side 8 inches x 1 inch, enclosed in a cloth-covered box with plexiglass sides. Leather bound book, with leather wrappings connected to brass cut pieces, laser-cut Fabriano paper, inkjet printed text, linen thread, book board, museum board, paper, and Coptic binding. Signed, numbered, and dated by the artist.

Islam Aly: "The book ‘Delta’ uses the symbol ? to represent a change or difference in quantity between two values in mathematics and science. The term ‘Delta’ also refers to Lower Egypt, where the Nile River delta is located. This delta is one of the world's largest, stretching from Alexandria to Port Said. However, rising sea levels put much of the northern delta, including the historic port city of Alexandria, at risk of being submerged in the Mediterranean.

“’Delta’ highlights the global crisis of rising sea levels and its impact on deltas worldwide. It contains a descriptive poem for the Nile Delta by Nicholas Michell and features images of sea monsters from ‘The Carta Marina’ by Olaus Magnus, initially published in 1539.

“Sea monsters have been a part of human folklore for thousands of years and are often depicted in artwork and stories as symbols of danger and the unknown. These images serve as a reminder of the risks and uncertainties of the ocean and remain a symbol of the unknown.

“The contrast between the descriptive poem and the sea monsters underscores the gravity of the topic and its importance. ‘Delta’ is enclosed in a box with two transparent sides that display laser-cut images. The front features an old map of the Nile Delta, and the back shows an old map of Alexandria port.”

Delta book
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Astral Projections
By Islam Aly
Cairo, Egypt : Islam Aly, 2022. Edition of 30 variants + 5 proofs.

Book size: 3.5 x 7 x 0.5 (42" extended). Cave Paper, cyanotype and laser cut sewed interior pages cyanotype covers. Accordion binding. Signed, numbered, and dated by the artist.

Islam Aly: "’Astral Projections’ explores talismanic shirts, constellations, and the mystical beliefs that surround them. The book features intricate illustrations of seven talismanic shirts, each one uniquely crafted using cyanotype prints that showcase a distinctive vocabulary of religious texts, sacred invocations, symbols, magic squares, and seal markings. The use of cyanotype prints adds an ethereal quality to the illustrations, evoking the spiritual significance of these garments.

"The covers of the book are also cyanotype prints, showcasing a blend of blue hues, constellations, stars, and talismanic shirts. The accordion binding allows the book to be opened up fully, revealing a panoramic view of the shirts within."

Astral Projections book
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Mare Nostrum, Al Motawaset
By Islam Aly
Cairo, Egypt: Islam Aly, 2022. Edition of 50 + 5 proofs

Box size: 14.5 x 5 x 2.5” closed, 14.5 x 10 x 2.5” opened. Book size: 9 x 4.5”. Cloth-covered box. Leather wrapping connected to brass cut pieces. Materials: Silk-screened book cloth, inkjet printed text, handmade paper, linen thread, book board, museum board, laser-cut Canson paper, and five brass boats in a compartment. Coptic binding. Signed, numbered, and dated by the artist.

Islam Aly: "'Mare Nostrum" is a bilingual book in English and Arabic that highlights the Mediterranean Immigration Crisis. People from Sub-Saharan Africa, the middle and far East come to North Africa to cross the Mediterranean using primitive boats and with the help of traffickers of immigrants. According to the missing migrant project, more than 23600 missing migrants have been recorded in the Mediterranean since 2014.

“’Mare Nostrum’ is a box with two compartments. On the left is a book with images of boats and quotes from migrants who survived the journey of crossing the Mediterranean, reflecting on their experiences. Nine quotes were taken from interviews and video clips where they discussed their experience.

“Images of the boats are derived from drawings of boats on pottery from predynastic Egypt. In ancient Egypt, boats were used for ceremonial purposes. Most importantly, taking the kings’ bodies from one side of the Nile to another, moving from their temporary life, and death to their afterlife and eternity. This is parallel to the immigrant's journey, moving from poverty and conflict to freedom and stability.

“The colors selected for the sections reflect the Mediterranean sea and the journey of the migrants alternating from light to dark blue and back to light as the journey progresses.

“The book allows the viewers to interact with the immigrant's journey. Five small circles are laser cut on each section. The brass boat bases fit into the circles allowing the viewer to move the boats within the page space, echoing the immigrants moving process in multiple combinations.

"’Mare Nostrum’, in Latin meaning ‘Our Sea,’ was the Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea. The Italian government also used ‘Mare Nostrum for the military and humanitarian operations to rescue the migrants and arrest the traffickers. Special thanks to my son, Mahmoud Islam, for suggesting the Latin Name.

“The book ends with a proverb that emphasizes immigrants' necessity to aspire toward a new life.”

Mare Nostrum, AL Motawaset book
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Illuminations IV
By Islam Aly
Cairo, Egypt: Islam Aly, 2021. Edition of 30 variants + 5 proofs.

Book Size: 3x 4 x 2.7x 1.25. Laser-cut hand-made paper. Twelve sections of 3 folios per section. Handbound in laser engraved wooden boards with Coptic binding of linen thread, and leather wrapping. Signed, numbered, and dated by the artist.

Islam Aly: "’Illuminations IV’ takes viewers on a journey through the intricate patterns and designs found in illuminated manuscripts. The book features a floral design in which the patterns increase and decrease in size from each side of the book, offering a new perspective and visual experience with every turn of the page and creating a sense of movement that echoes the delicate beauty of the floral patterns themselves. This layout makes sense of direction and depth, drawing the viewer in and inviting them to explore the intricate details of the patterns."

Illumination IV book
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Statera, Mizan
By Islam Aly
Cairo, Egypt: Islam Aly, 2020. Edition of 30 variants + 5 AP.

Closed: 3.5 x 3.5 x 2.75. Materials: legal ledger paper from the late 1800s and 1900s, museum board, wood boards, book cloth, leather straps. Hand-printed Arabic letters from magnesium plates. Bound in laser-engraved wooden boards, book cloth spine and stiff-leaf binding with leather wrappings connected to laser engraved camel bone pieces. Signed, numbered, and dated by the artist.

Islam Aly: "’Statera’ explores the rhombic dot system behind the Thuluth script. An Arabic, elegant, cursive writing that is used on architectural monuments and manuscripts. In Arabic, this system is called ‘Mizan Al Horof’ (balance of letters). ‘Statera’ shows each letter's specific structure, which is built of a significant rule: the number of dots. The 28 letters are printed in Thuluth script with vibrant red color, over regular handwritten text by ordinary people. Different styles, signatures, seals, notes, and markings from legal ledger paper contrast with the Thuluth script rules. This contrast reveals an engaging perspective hidden between the balanced letters and aged documents. The fourteen rhombus pieces of camel bone are engraved with a letter on each side, echoing the book's interior."

Statera, Mizan book
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Cryptic Magic
By Islam Aly
Cedar Falls, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2017. Edition of 20 variants.

2.5 x 6" (42" extended); 40 Folios. Laser cut. Materials: handmade flax paper, linen thread. Handmade flax covers with modified accordion binding. Contained in circular box. Signed, dated, and numbered by the artist.

Islam Aly: "Cryptic Magic is an investigation into symbols. I am fascinated with their power and how they are given mysterious attributes to represent the spiritual. Some Ethiopian scholars see the origin of writing in symbols like these.

"The book is presenting a vocabulary of signs and symbols to connect the physical and the emotional. Different Ethiopian symbols are laser cut on each page, their overlapping and intersection generate new meanings. The magnets embedded in the covers and the accordion structure allows the audience to interact with the book creating different connections between the symbols and compressing or extending the structure for more sculptural appearance."

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Fantastic Fauna
By Islam Aly
Cedar Falls, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2017. Edition of 40.

One book, 5 x 8 x 1.75", with ten sections of four folios, plus 5 miniature books attached by leather wrappings, each 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.75", with five sections of three folios. Materials: laser-cut mold-made Johannot paper; laser-engraved wooden boards. Coptic binding with leather wrappings connected to five small books. Signed, numbered, and dated by the artist.

Islam Aly: "Fantastic Fauna is a bilingual book in English and Arabic, based on the tradition of having animal characteristics as caricatures of humans. The book was inspired from Ibn Al Mqufas's Kalila and Dimna, a ninth-century collection of animal fables, which came to Persia from India. Similar to George Orwell's political allegory Animal Farm, the stories are about people and politics. The animal characters were used to represent social inequality and oppression.

"Fantastic Fauna shows animal images from medieval Islamic artwork that depict imaginary and real animals. The book offers the reader with a different reality where the words describing the animals are not in the main book but inside the miniature books. The reader will be intrigued to find differences and connections between images and words, animal and human characters. The book ends with George Orwell's quotation: 'All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.'"

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Sacred Meanings
By Islam Aly
Cedar Falls, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2017. Edition of 40.

2.5 x 2.5 x 2.5" hexagon-shaped miniature book. Laser cut mould-made Johannot paper. Twenty sections of 4 folios per section. Handbound in laser-engraved plexiglass covers with Coptic binding of linen thread. Signed and numbered by the artist.

Islam Aly: "Sacred Meanings is based on the hexagon, one of the main shapes in creating grids and patterns in Islamic art. The form of the book, its words, and its progression reveals the fading and development of a pattern. The book invites viewers to consider their experiences with the transcendent and indivisible. Sacred Meanings presents an encounter that deals with the dichotomies of life, fall and rise, suspicion and faith, disorientation and orientation, chaos and order."

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By Islam Aly
Cedar Falls, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2017. Edition of 30.

3 x 6 x 2"; 15 sections with three folios. Materials: laser-cut mould-made Johannot paper; laser-engraved wooden boards; leather straps. Coptic binding with leather wrapping bands and wooden clasps. Signed, numbered, and dated by the artist.

Islam Aly: "Unleash records an angel's attempt to leave the book. A journey that starts with words about being confined and restrained, the angel appears and slowly makes a path through these words until succeeding to break the phrases and get out of the book. When the angel disappears from the book, the letters of the broken words start forming a human face.

"By using a late Coptic binding with straps and clasps, the book structure echoes its content. One wrap has the angel on the wooden clasp; the other wrap has the human face."


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Enigmatic Talismans
By Islam Aly
Cedar Falls, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2016. Edition of 30.

3 x 5.5"; 10 sections. Laser cut. Materials: handmade flax paper; Plexiglas; linen thread. Bound in Plexiglas boards with titles laser engraved in white on front board. Signed, dated, and numbered by the artist.

Islam Aly: "Enigmatic Talismans is inspired from the symbols found in Ethiopian healing scrolls. Originally they were produced to provide live spiritual power in the physical world.

"I find the various symbols captivating, fantastic creatures, faces, eyes, angels, and patterns that blur the line between traditional function and contemporary abstraction.

"The paper is made from flax paper with deckle edges to have the appearance and texture of the parchment that was historically used in the Ethiopian scrolls. The covers are made from transparent Plexiglas that reveals the overlapping symbols, generating new meanings."


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Orientation Cube
By Islam Aly
Iowa City, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2014. Edition of 30.

2.6 x 2.6 x 3"; 30 sections with three folios. Mould-made Johannot paper. Colored and laser-engraved edges. Bound in laser-etched plexi glass. Two needle Coptic sewing and Coptic end bands with linen thread. Presented in a folding box with gilded wooden cube and magnetic closure. Box dimensions closed: 3.25 x 3.25 x 4". Signed by the artist.

Islam Aly: "This book is inspired by The Kaaba, a cuboid building at the center of Islam's most sacred mosque, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is the most sacred point within this most sacred mosque, making it the most sacred location in Islam. Wherever they are in the world, Muslims are expected to face the Kaaba when performing prayers. In addition one of the Five Pillars of Islam, every Muslim is required to perform the hajj pilgrimage at least once in his or her lifetime, if one is able. Multiple parts of the hajj require pilgrims to make circumambulation seven times around the Kaaba. A tiny black cube is positioned at the center of the inner back board, around which are concentric circles cut in the thirty sections of the book to reflect the process of circumambulation."

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28 Letters
By Islam Aly
Iowa City, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2013. Edition of 40.

5 x 5.7 x 0.7" (40" extended), 28 folios. Laser-cut handmade flax paper. Three hole pamphlet binding in an accordion binding. Linen thread, handmade paper covers.

Islam Aly: "This book displays the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet; each letter is laser-cut on a folio. The accordion binding allows the viewer to explore and interact with the letters."
$500 (Last 3 copies)

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Crucial perimeter 1
By Islam Aly
Iowa City, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2013. Edition of 20.

2.8 x 3 x 3.5"; 400 pages. Mould-made Johannot paper. Laser engraved edges. Bound in embossed leather boards with coptic and Ethiopian binding techniques. Signed and numbered by the artist.

Islam Aly: "In this book Crucial Perimeter-1, I explore the dichotomy
between what's inside a book and what's outside. The book has no text or images on its folios. When the book is closed, the viewer can see the content on three edges of the book, but depending on how the book is opened some of the content on the edges diffuses and becomes illegible, converting into traces of texture."

"Crucial Perimeter is mainly about the beauty of the Arabic calligraphy, what you see on the covers and the edges are not words but rather letters written in Arabic calligraphy, the dots are used as a measuring unit , for example a letter would be seven dots long and two dots wide somehow similar to the x height used in western typography.

"The texts of marginalia came from old Arabic manuscripts again I was interested in these because of the beauty of the calligraphy and layout."

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Sequence 1
By Islam Aly
Iowa City, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2013. Edition of 20.

2 x 2 x 3.5"; 40 sections of 8 leaves. Laser cut. Materials: handmade flax paper, linen thread. Bound in laser-engraved wooden boards. Greek binding. Signed and numbered by the artist.

Islam Aly: "This book is an exploration of one Arabic letter "Da d"; this is a very unique letter in the Arabic language because of its extremely unusual sound. Early Arabic grammarians described Arabic as the 'language of the ?? d', since the sound was thought to be unique to Arabic.

"40 different shapes of letter ?? d are displayed in the book; each letter is laser-cut on a section of the book, for example, the very early Kufic scripts, the different styles of Arabic calligraphy, as well as multiple forms of fonts."


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Islam Aly: “In the Metamorphoses series, I am focusing on Islamic art and design”

Metamorphoses 1
By Islam Aly
Cedar Falls, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2015. Edition of 40.

4.25 x 5.25 x 1" closed, extends to 20"; seven folds with two sets of six flags. Accordion flag book. Laser cut. Materials: handmade flax paper and Cave Paper; binders board; clear acetate; linen thread. Paper-covered boards with paper title on front board. Singed, dated, and numbered by the artist.

Islam Aly: "In the Metamorphoses series, I am focusing on Islamic art and design. I want to reveal how patterns develop and morph in a book that makes the viewer experience their beauty, elegance, harmony, intricacy, and complexity.

"Metamorphoses 1 celebrates the growth and morph of a small star pattern. The geometric pattern can be equally thought of as both art and science. The pattern is based on the intersection of two equal squares. The patterns then are combined, duplicated, interlaced, and arranged in intricate combinations that are mathematically precise, aesthetically pleasing, and symbolic."
Metamorphoses 1 book
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Metamorphoses IIII
By Islam Aly
Cedar Falls, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2018. Edition of 30.

Text Block: 40 sections laser cut Fabriano paper, each section 4 folios, colored and laser engraved fore edges, laser engraved wooden covers, linen thread, Coptic binding with endbands 3.5 x 3.5 x 4.5 inch. Signed, numbered, and dated by the artist.

Islam Aly: "In the Metamorphoses series, I am focusing on Islamic art and design. I want to reveal how patterns develop and morph in a book that makes the viewer experience their beauty, elegance, harmony, intricacy, and complexity.

"'Metamorphoses IIII' represents a square that morphs into a star. The patterns in the book are combined, duplicated, interlaced, and arranged in multiple combinations that are precise, beautiful, and symbolic."

Artist’s Books Unshelved: Small Changes, Big Transformation”: “This episode … examines books that use small changes to reveal immense complexity.” Featured books included Metamorphosis IIII.

MetamorphosesIIII book
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Metamorphoses 5
By Islam Aly
Cedar Falls, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2017. Edition of 30.

2 x 2 x 1.5" miniature book. Laser-cut mould-made Johannot paper. Twenty sections of 2 folios per section. Handbound in laser cut and engraved wooden boards with Coptic binding of linen thread. Signed and numbered by the artist.

Islam Aly: "In the Metamorphoses series, I am focusing on Islamic art and design. I want to reveal how patterns develop and morph in a book that makes the viewer experience their beauty, elegance, harmony, intricacy, and complexity.

Metamorphoses 5 represents a square that morphs into a star. The patterns in the book are combined, duplicated, interlaced, and arranged in multiple combinations that are precise, beautiful, and symbolic."
Metamorphoses 5 book
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Tapestry Folios Series
Islam Aly: “The Tapestry Folios Series celebrates the exquisite craftsmanship of Coptic tapestries, renowned for their vibrant colors and intricate designs. Traditionally, these textiles were adorned with motifs, showcasing mythological creatures, human figures, animals, botanical elements, and geometric patterns. Additionally, Christian symbols such as saints, scenes from the Old and New Testaments, crosses, and oriental symbols were commonly depicted.

Each book in this series focuses on a unique selection of motifs, inviting readers to explore the beauty of Coptic tapestry art.

“The handmade paper features diverse colored folios, with each section laser-cut to replicate the intricate patterns, appearance, and texture found in traditional Coptic tapestries. The covers are hand-carved from camel bone with spaces and cuts that reveal the enchanting patterns within the books”


Botanical Explorations
By Islam Aly
Cairo, Egypt: Islam Aly, 2024. Edition of 30 variants.

1.5 x 2.5 x 1” in hand-carved camel bone covers. Other materials: laser-cut handmade paper and linen thread. Coptic binding with leather strap closure. Signed and numbered by the artist.

Islam Aly: "’Botanical Explorations’ celebrates the intricate flora depicted in Coptic tapestries, highlighting the beauty of botanical elements within Coptic textile art.”

Botanical Explorations book
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Ethereal Vines
By Islam Aly
Cairo, Egypt: Islam Aly, 2024. Edition of 30 variants.

2 x 3 x 1” in hand-carved camel bone covers. Other materials: laser-cut handmade paper and linen thread. Coptic binding. Signed and numbered by the artist.

Islam Aly: "’Ethereal Vines’ is inspired by the delicate tendrils of Coptic tapestries; this book celebrates the the beauty of botanical motifs and vine-like patterns”

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Fauna Fables
By Islam Aly
Cairo, Egypt: Islam Aly, 2024. Edition of 60 variants.

3 x 3 x 1" in hand-carved camel bone covers. Materials: laser-cut handmade paper, linen thread,. Coptic binding. Signed and numbered by the artist.

Islam Aly: "'Fauna Fables', celebrates the enchanting world of animals through a tapestry of fables and folklore. From majestic lions to graceful birds, these books invite readers to a journey through the fauna-inspired sections."

Fauna Fables book
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Fauna Panorama
By Islam Aly
Cairo, Egypt: Islam Aly, 2024. Edition of 50 variants.

1 x 6 x 1”in hand-carved camel bone covers. Other materials: laser-cut handmade paper and linen thread. Coptic binding. Leather strap with button type closure. Signed and numbered by the artist.

Islam Aly: "’Fauna Panorama’ offers a panoramic view of animals depicted within Coptic tapestries, intertwined with botanical elements. Through the overlapping and repetition of these motifs, the book captures the diverse and beautiful patterns found in Coptic textile art”

fauna Panorama book
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Spatial Compositions
By Islam Aly
Cairo, Egypt: Islam Aly, 2024. Edition of 30 variants.

2 x 3 x 1” in hand-carved camel bone covers. Other materials: laser-cut handmade paper and linen thread. Coptic binding .Signed and numbered by the artist

Islam Aly: "’Spatial Compositions’ explores the interplay between space and form through a collection of visual compositions. Inspired by the intricate designs of Coptic tapestries, this book invites viewers to contemplate the beauty of geometric patterns and spatial arrangements”.

Spatial Compositions book
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Transpose: a series of books exploring talismanic shirts.
Wikipedia, 3/3/2023: “ A talismanic shirt (or talisman shirt …) is a worn textile talisman. Talismanic shirts are found throughout the Muslim world … The shirts may be inscribed with verses from Quran, names of Allah and of prophets and with numbers. They may carry images or symbols, e.g. astrological ones. The inscribed names are believed to be capable of offering protection and guidance to the carrier. Although talismanic shirts can be worn to protect against many evils most of them seem to be intended as a shield in battle.


The Tapestry of Dreamweaver
By Islam Aly
Cairo, Egypt : Islam Aly, 2023. Edition of 30 + 5 proofs.

Talismanic shirt 39 x 33 inches. Laid in a cloth-covered box 12 x12 x 2 inches. Cyanotypes on fabric, paper, and maps sewn on cotton cloth. Signed, numbered, and dated by the artist.

Islam Aly: “’The Tapestry of Dreamweaver’ is an artist's book that delves into the realm of dreams and the transformative power of talismanic shirts and constellations. It serves as a visual exploration of the interplay between the ethereal world of dreams and the tangible symbols of protection and empowerment found in talismans.

“The work takes the form of a talismanic shirt, crafted using a collage of cloth and paper adorned with imagery of shirts, constellations, and their mystical beliefs. The shirt showcases a unique collection of cyanotype prints on both paper and fabric, featuring a distinctive array of texts, sacred invocations, symbols, magic squares, and seal markings. The incorporation of cyanotype prints imbues the illustrations with an ethereal quality, capturing the spiritual significance embodied by these sacred garments.

“The piece is presented in a box, featuring a one-of-a-kind cover design that draws inspiration from constellations and sacred texts.”

The Tapestry of Dreamweaver book
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Transpose IV, Transpose Series
By Islam Aly
Cairo, Egypt: Islam Aly, 2022. One-of-a-Kind.

6.5. x 4 x 2.5 inches. Cyanotypes on paper and pen drawing, museum board, stiff leaf binding structure. Signed, numbered, and dated by the artist.

Islam Aly: "’Transpose 4’ is a one-of-a-kind artist book investigating talismanic shirts, constellations, and magic. Each book page is a unique cyanotype print, showcasing detailed illustrations that draw on a rich vocabulary of religious texts, sacred invocations, symbols, and magic squares.

“The book offers a fascinating exploration of talismanic shirts, worn for centuries as protection and guidance. Through the illustrations, viewers can appreciate these garments' rich symbolism, deep spiritual significance, and sense of magic and mysticism.

“’Transpose 4’ also features depictions of constellations and celestial figures, capturing the beauty and majesty of the cosmos. The cyanotype printing process adds depth and dimension to the illustrations, creating a sense of texture and contrast that evokes the celestial night sky.

“The book offers a unique and intimate viewing experience, with each page inviting viewers to explore the intricate details and hidden meanings within the illustrations."

Transpose IV book

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ByIslam Aly
Cairo, Egypt: Islam Aly, 2021. Edition of 40 + 5 proofs.

Box size: 9.5 x 8.7 x 2.7 closed, 9.5 x 18.25 x 2.7 opened. Pamphlet size: 7.5x 6.5. Cloth-covered box with magnet closure and cloth pull. Hand stenciled images and inkjet printed text on the interior of the box. Materials: Wooden dowels, linen thread, book board, museum board, acrylic colors, laser-cut handmade and Fabriano paper. Seven pamphlets sewn on wooden dowels. Signed, numbered, and dated by the artist.

Islam Aly: "’Transpose’ is a bilingual book in English and Arabic that investigates talismanic shirts. A worn textile that was believed to offer protection and guidance to the carrier. Historically there were various uses for the talismanic shirts; they could be worn as a shield in battles, during illness, used as protective amulets, and produced for ceremonial purposes. They would have a distinctive vocabulary, a mixture of religious texts, sacred invocations, symbols, magic squares, and seal markings.

“In ‘Transpose’, seven pamphlets taking the shapes of shirts are designed and enclosed in the box. Each invokes a different wish: Power, Celebration, Magic, Prosperity, Affection, Peace, and Health. ‘Transpose’ reveals how garments embed our backgrounds, experiences, decisions, and memories allowing us to live through each garment.

“The book challenges the notion of power and privilege. Traditionally, these shirts were dedicated to the elite and kept protected in drawers and boxes. Transpose makes these wishes unrestricted for viewers to be rearranged and reordered in various ways according to their preference.

“After taking away all the pamphlets, the viewer can read a quote on the inner side of the box, emphasizing a greater meaning to each shirt.                     there is much to support the view that it is clothes that wear                     us and not we them;
                  we may make them take the mold of arm or breast, but they                       mold our hearts, our brains,
                  our tongues to their liking."

                                                                                  Virginia Woolf, Orlando


Transpose book
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Islam Aly Out of Print Title:  

By Islam Aly
Iowa City, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2014. Edition of 15.

2.8 x 3 x 3.5"; 30 sections with four folios. Mould-made Johannot paper. Laser engraved edges. Bound in laser etched wooden boards. Ethiopian and coptic binding with linen thread. Signed by the artist.

Islam Aly: "I made this book to document the words that were repeated in the streets of Cairo during the Egyptian Spring of 2011 when millions of protesters from a variety of socioeconomic and religious backgrounds demanded the overthrow of the regime. The people repeated the three words: Bread [livelihood], Freedom, and Social Justice. I used Arabic Kufic script and spelled the words Eish, Horeya, Adala Egtemaeya - Bread, Freedom and Social Justice. These words are repeated over and over in different ways along the 30 sections. The book is an effort to remember and reflect on these events. It also serves as a reminder for the revolution's main demands. Additionally, the book incorporates details of Cairo's streets on the front and backboards. Cairo's map is also laser engraved on three edges of the book."

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Ethiopian Talismans
By Islam Aly
Iowa City, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2013. One-of-a-Kind.

4 x 8 x 1"; 48 leaves. Hand drawing with water based ink pens. Hand paper cutting. Handmade flax paper. Ethiopian binding with embossed leather over boards.. Signed by the artist.

Islam Aly: "Ethiopian Talismans were inspired from the Ethiopian healing symbols, believed to heal people both physically and emotionally. I used one symbol on each section. The shapes of the symbols inspired me to cut and color each page in a unique way. The paper is made from over-beaten flax paper with deckle edges to have the appearance and texture of the parchment that was historically used in the Ethiopian books."

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Illuminations 3
By Islam Aly
Cedar Falls, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2018. One-of-a-Kind.

3.5 x 3.5 x 1.5 inches. Cave handmade natural dyed flax paper. Bound in wooden boards. Coptic binding with two sewing stations, leather strap closure with bone clasp. Materials: linen thread, flax paper, wooden boards, leather strap, bone clasp. Pochoir. Signed by the artist.

Islam Aly: "'Illuminations 3' is inspired by Arabic calligraphy and manuscript illuminations. Each page represents a range of relationships between letters, space, texture, and colors. They are generated from stencils to create new layouts and connections."

Illuminations 3 book
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By Islam Aly
Cairo, Egypt: Islam Aly, 2019. Edition of 30.

4.5" diameter x 3.5" thick; thirty sections with four folios. 2" diameter x 0.75" miniature accordion books. Materials: laser-cut Fabriano and tracing paper, plexiglass mirror, laser-engraved wooden boards. Coptic binding with leather wrappings connected to seven miniature circular books. Inkjet printed text in English and Arabic. Signed, numbered, and dated by the artist.

Islam Aly: "'Inception' is inspired by stories and journeys of the immigrants and refugees. It is a bilingual codex in English and Arabic. The book is based on the twelfth-century Persian verse poem 'The Conference of the Birds' written by Farid Aldin Al-Attar. The poem is about the search for truth and integrity, which is parallel to the immigrants and refugee's quest to re-discover themselves.

"Birds meet to begin searching for their perfect king. But to find him, they need to start a difficult journey. The birds show their doubts and fears to their leader, the hoopoe. He encouraged and supported the birds to be confident, grateful, and honest. The birds start a wondrous journey that only 30 of them completes, and they eventually recognize that their king is each of them and all of them.

"The English text is adapted from Afkham Darbandi translation. The Arabic text is adapted from Badee Mohamed Gomaa Arabic translation 'Manteq Al Tayr'. The bird images represented are from medieval Islamic artwork. Arabic Calligraphy is done by Abdul Karim and Sabri.

"'Inception' was made as part of Swarthmore College's Friends, Peace, and Sanctuary project. Major support for Friends, Peace, and Sanctuary has been provided by The Pew Center for Arts & Heritage with additional support from Swarthmore College Libraries, the Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility, the William J. Cooper Foundation, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation."
(SOLD/Out of Print)

Inception book
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Marginalia 1
By Islam Aly
Iowa City, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2013. Edition of 20.

6 x 8"; 60 pages. Arabic calligraphy. Laser cut text. Handmade flax paper. Coptic and Ethiopian binding with Plexiglas covers. Signed by the artist.

Islam Aly: "The design of Marginalia 1 is inspired from Arabic commentaries that were written in different books. These commentaries have a unique shape, and layout. It usually would contrast with the geometrical design of the page. The commentaries played an important role in the transmission and transformation of knowledge. I wanted to show the beauty of their calligraphy on the handmade flax paper. I selected ten different pages for each of the ten sections. I used the laser cutter to cut each section and engrave the front cover. The sections were attached to the Plexiglas covers and sewn together using a two needle Coptic link stitch. Finally I sewed the end bands."

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The Marginalia Series: Marginalia 2
By Islam Aly
Iowa City, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2013. One-of-a-Kind.

3.2 x 4.3 x 1.3 "; 10 sections with four folios. Handmade dyed flax paper. Pochoir, two needle Coptic sewing. Leather-covered embossed Islamic binding. Signed by the artist.

Islam Aly: "The design of Marginalia-2 is inspired from Arabic commentaries that were written in different books. These commentaries have a unique shape, and layout. It usually would contrast with the geometrical design of the page. The commentaries played an important role in the transmission and transformation of knowledge. I wanted to show the beauty of their calligraphy on the handmade flax paper. I choose different parts of these commentaries and started repeating them on the page."

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The Square, Al Midan
By Islam Aly
Iowa City, Iowa: Islam Aly, 2014. Edition of 40.

4.5 x 4.5 x 2.5"; 20 sections with four folios. Mould-made Johannot paper. Colored and laser engraved edges. Bound in lase- etched wooden boards. Ethiopian and Coptic binding with linen thread. Signed by the artist.

Islam Aly: "Egyptian uprising called for democratic reform. Tahrir Square in Cairo became the focal point and the most effective symbol of the protests in January and February 2011. For 18 days Egyptians repeated the slogan: The People Want to Bring down the Regime (al-sha`b yurid isqat al-nizam) until the regime stepped down on the 11th of February 2011.

"This book focuses on the revolution slogan 'al-sha`b yurid isqat al-nizam.' Using Arabic Kufic script the words of the slogan are repeated in an ascending sequence. Section 19 contains the English translation for the slogan 'The People Want to Bring down the Regime.' The last section contains the time and date when the regime stepped down along with the sentence 'Al Saa'b Askat al Nezam' with its English translation 'The People have Brought down the Regime'.

"Cairo's map is laser engraved on the book covers. Three edges of the book are colored then laser engraved to show the streets of Cairo."

(SOLD/ Out of Print)
The Square, Al Midan book
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Page last update: 10.12.2024


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